2022 Icelandic Highlands Field Workshop to Askja and Holuhraun
The RAVEN Team invites additional participation in the 2022 field campaign to Iceland at both Professional and Student levels. Collaborators will be responsible for their own salaries, transportation to and from Iceland, gasoline for vehicles, as well as costs accommodations and meals in Reykjavík, and meals in Mývatn/Akureyri. Dr. Christopher Hamilton will make hotel reservations for workshop participants in Reykjavik to promote collaborations with the RAVEN Team, but hotel costs must be paid for by each participant.
Costs for Professionals will be $115 USD per person per day.
Costs for Students will be $65 USD per person per day.
The Workshop itself includes two options:
OPTION 1: July 16 to July 30 (14 days @ $115 USD per person per day for Professionals = $1610 per person); or 14 days @ $65 USD per person per day for Students = $910 USD per person). This option assumes that participants arrive in Iceland on July 14 with a departure from Reykjavík to Mývatn on the morning of July 15. Accommodations in Reykjavík will be at the City Center Hotel (Room rate: 22,619 ISK ≈ $170 USD for a single room). During the evening of July 15, participants will stay in the Fosshotel in Mývatn. The workshop fee includes the cost of this hotel. On the morning of July 16, the team will travel from Mývatn to the Dreki campsite near Askja. Participants will arrive at Dreki around noon at which point the Workshop will begin (Note: In addition to accommodations, participants will be responsible for all of their own meals until they arrive at Dreki). While at Dreki the Workshop fee includes the following: (1) camping fee; (2) all meals with ample ingredients provided for partipants to make their own breakfasts and lunches, and chef-prepared dinners will be provided in the evenings (with omnivore and vegitarian options), dishes, utiensiles and access to coolers and potable water will also be provided; (3) access to electricity; (4) access to Wifi and Internet; (5) access to group tents for team briefings, meals, charging electronics, and socialing; (6) access to bathrooms and shower facilities (shower tokens will be provied at no cost); (7) access to safty equipment including: high reflectivity safety vests, helmets (upon request), leather palmed gloves (upon request), first aid suppies, radios and Tetra phones (for emergencies); (8) jerry cans for gasoline (gasoline must be purchased by the participants); (9) camp chairs (one per person); (10) consumable supplies such as ziplock bags, garbage bags, duct-tape, tent-repair-kits, etc.; (11) access to rakes and shovels (required to mask tracks while in the field as part of the RAVEN Team's leave no trace policy); and (12) permits for conducting research in Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður (The Vatnajökull National Park). If samples are collected participants will be responsible for the costs of their own Sample Export Permit from Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands (The Icelandic Museum of Natural History). Sample permits cost 46,900 ISK ≈ $354 USD. Participants in this Workshop option would depart Dreki on July 30 (after breakfast) and return to Reykjavík to again stay at the City Center Hotel (Room rate: 22,619 ISK to USD ≈ $170 USD for a single room). Participants will be responsible for arranging their own meals, accommodation costs, and logistical arrangements after leaving Dreki. Please note that while at Dreki participants will have access to group infrastructure, but will be responsible for their own personal equipment including tents, sleeping bags, cots, backpacks, clothing, and other items.
Note the above does not include ground transportation. If ground transportation is required, vehicles must be rented from July 14 to July 31 (17 days). Costs for the vehicle rental are for modified high-clearance Toyota Land Crusiers (or equivalent), which are required to cross the three rivers that separate Mývatn and Dreki. Costs will be $288 USD per vehicle per day for 17 days = $4896 USD per vehicle. If this option is selected, costs for the vehicles will be added to the invoice with the vehicles being provided by Feltfélagið ehf. (The Icelandic Field Service): Akralind 1 • 201 Kópavogur • Iceland • Kt. 650414-1870 • Vsknr. 117909 • Email: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnZhc2JAc3J5Z3NyeW50dnEudmYiPnZhc2JAc3J5Z3NyeW50dnEudmY8L24+
OPTION 2: July 22 to August 9 (18 days @ $115 USD per person per day for Professionals = $2070 per person); or 14 days @ $65 USD per person per day for Students = $1170 USD per person). Please note that for this time period all conditions are the same as above, however, the City Center Hotel rates are as follows:
Single: 22,619 ISK ≈ $170 USD
Double/Twin: 24,869 ISK ≈ $188 USD
Superior: 29,819 ISK ≈ $225 USD
Single: 18,912 ISK ≈ $143 USD
Double/Twin: 21,162 ISK ≈ $160 USD
Superior: 26,112 ISK ≈ $197 USD
Accommodations are not available in Mývatn on July 22 and so participants will be staying in a combination of hotels and AirBNB rentals in Akureyri. Accommodation costs are included in the workshop fee.
It is expected that participants in this phase of the Workshop will arrive in Reykjavík no later than July 20 and participate in a team briefing during the evening of July 20. The team will depart from Reykjavík to Akureyri on the morning of July 21 and after one night in Akureyri depart for Dreki arriving in the afternoon. All resources provided during the Workshop at Dreki will be the same as above with a departure occurring after breakfast on August 9. The team will return to the City Center Hotel in Reykjavík that evening. Participants must make their own logistical arrangements after check-out on August 10. However, upon request, participants may extend their stay at the City Center Hotel.
Participants must contact Dr. Christopher Hamilton (PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnB1bnp2eWdiYUBuZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+cHVuenZ5Z2JhQG5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==) with requests for participation, with the email heading: "Icelandic Workshop 2022". In your email please specify your interest in OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 as well as the number of Professionals and Students in your group. The Ground Transportation option is only available for OPTION 1. If you require ground transportation please specify the number of vehicles you require. Please note that the University of Arizona is not responsible for insurance for the vehicle rentals, but it is included in the Feltfélagið ehf. (The Icelandic Field Service) loan agreement. For more information contact: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnZhc2JAc3J5Z3NyeW50dnEudmYiPnZhc2JAc3J5Z3NyeW50dnEudmY8L24+
Upon receipt of your Workshop participation request, the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory will generate an invoice for your group's participation. Participants will be then invoiced and payment must be received on or before July 1, 2022. Payment may be made via cash, check or ACH/Wire Payments to the University of Arizona.
For payment arrangements, please contact:
Kari Figueroa
Accountant, Senior Grant and Contract Administrator
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
Gerard P. Kuiper Space Sciences Building, Room 339
PO Box 210092
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
Office: 520-626-9007
Email: PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnhuZXZmMkBuZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+eG5ldmYyQG5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg==